My grandmother Elizabeth Margaret Noseworthy was born on 8Jan1882 to James Noseworthy and Mary Ann Walsh Noseworthy (1866-1918)in St. Johns.The McAlpine’s St. John’s City Directory for 1908, McAlpine’s Publishing Company, Halifax, NS, 1908, shows James as a resident of St. John’s. Mary Ann Walsh Noseworthy was born on 18Apr1866 in St. Johns. She died on 3Jun1919 in Whitbourne, Newfoundland.Mary and James had three other children: Robert J. born 21May1883 and baptized 24May1833 in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. John’s. He was a mechanic, living in St. John’s East electoral district in 1972; Catherine was born on 13Nov1884 in St. Johns and Margaret Ann was born on 27Oct1886 and died on 3Jun1919 in St. Johns. Any information and tips would be welcome. I really want to know about my “Newfie” ancestors.