To Make a Payment (other than a donation):
To make an online payment for a purchase or service, you can click on the "Buy Now" PayPal button that appears below. You will then be able to enter a payment amount. After that there should also be an option for you to provide "Special instructions to FHSNL" so that you can enter some details about what your payment is for. Payments for membership fees should not be made with button below, but instead from one of the membership payment options on the Join/Renew webpage.
To Make a Donation:
FHSNL is a registered charity and hence donations to us are eligible for income tax purposes. Our charity registration number with the Canada Revenue Agency is 12061 5661 RR0001.
If you send us a donation via this PayPal link, then we will receive the full amount of your donation and an income tax receipt will be automatically provided to you by PayPal. Alternatively, you can donate to us via CanadaHelps which will also automatically issue an income tax receipt.
If you have securities that you wish to donate to FHSNL, then please use this link provided by CanadaHelps.
For donations made directly to FHSNL (i.e., not via the above links involving PayPal or CanadaHelps), FHSNL will manually issue income tax receipts for all donations of $20 or more. Income tax receipts for smaller donations will be issued only upon request. So that we can send you a receipt, please be sure to include your name and postal/email address as part of the information that accompanies your donation. You can make such a donation by mailing us a cheque or credit card details along with this general Donation Form. For donations made in memory of a recently deceased individual, you can also use this Memorial Donation Form if you cannot find one at the funeral home.
FHSNL also welcomes gifts and bequests made via wills, testaments and codicils.
Your financial contribution helps to ensure that the society can continue to develop and cultivate its research collections and engage in public outreach. Additionally, donations assist in the maintenance of our reference library and office, which houses our resources, allowing us to keep them accessible to the public.
Thank you.