Welcome Forums Surnames and Families George Edward White

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    Robert Chisholm

    George Edward White born, 06 May 1885 in St John’s, died 23 Oct 1975 in Oakville ON, married Irene Edith Jean Jackman, born 23 Aug 1889 in Round Harbour, died 14 Jul 1982 in Oakville ON, in Tilt Cove on 09 Aug 1911. Dorothy Katharine White (Story) 1891-1972 was a witness to the wedding. I believe Dorothy was a younger sister of George’s and would like to confirm that.

    George and Irene lived in Grand Falls where their four children (Richard, George, Barbara, Jean) were born before moving to Montreal sometime between 1925 and 1931. Barbara was my mother-in-law.

    There is a reference to a George Edward Weir White as a broth of Dorothy in Family Search but the birth dates are not close enough for a match.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    David Pike

    Richard White and Laura Muir Duder married in 1878 and thereafter had several children, including George Edward Weir White (baptised 10 June 1886) and Dorothy Katherine White (born 06 Nov 1890). Dorothy married George Errington Story in 1914.

    Richard’s obituary is found on page 10 of the Evening Telegram of Thursday 13 September 1917:
    There passed peacefully away at “Afton,” Old Placentia Road, yesterday morning a well known and highly respected citizen in the person of Mr. Richard White, Inspector of Light Houses, who had for the past quarter of a century been head of that department. Mr. White was the son of the late Capt. Edward White, the famous seal-killer, and a brother of the late Edward White, Sr., and of William White, of the South Side; one sister was married to the late Rev. A. W. Turner, and another to the late Rev. Dr. Dove. Three sons, Richard at Nain; Charles, on the West Coast; and George, at Grand Falls; and two daughters, Mrs. Geo. Storey and Miss Nellie at home, are left to mourn. The late Richard White was a keen sportsman and through his efforts did much to preserve our inland game and fisheries, which, had it not been for him and a few other gentlemen, undoubtedly would have been greatly reduced. He was a member of George St. Methodist Church choir for many years, where his splendid voice added greatly in the devotional exercises. To the sorrowing family the Telegram offers deep sympathy. The funeral will be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o’clock from his late residence.

    Robert Chisholm

    Thank you for your information. It confirms my information with the exception of George Edwards third given name Weir, his mother’s maiden name. The “duplicate” person in Family Search showed George Edward’s baptismal date as his birthdate which was confusing me. I am comfortable in merging the two George Edwards in my Family Search Family Tree.

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