Welcome Forums Surnames and Families Byrne Winifred & Toole Michael

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    These are my great grandparents. On one of the census’s Winifred states she was born in Brigus, but have found no other information in that regard. Both Winifred Byrne and Michael Toole (or O’Toole) were born mid 1850’s. They appear to have lived their whole lives in St Johns, and had 3 children. Annie the eldest born in 1886 was my grandmother, there was also 2 sons. Edward who was known as MIey I understand stayed in St John’s and a lot of his descendants are still there or in contact with St Johns. If there is anyone out there who can help me with Winifred or Michaels background I would be so appreciative. I live in Australia and have not been to Canada so all help ould be good.
    Thank you

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