Meetings of the Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador usually feature a guest lecturer but occasionally take the form of a workshop. These meetings are open to the general public, and there is no charge for admission.
Public lectures are normally held at 7:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the following months: January, February, March, April, May, September, October, and November, but sometimes dates have to be changed because of conflicting civic functions, adverse weather conditions, etc. For updates please check our website. If you are a FHSNL member then please let us know if you would like to receive meeting notifications by e-mail.
The Society's Annual General Meeting is generally held early in the year, usually in conjunction with the public lecture in May.
Audio recordings, presenters' slides, etc., from several of our past meetings and lectures are available further down on this webpage.
Upcoming Lectures
26 November 2024 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speaker: Dale Russell Fitzpatrick
Topic: Gambo & Carbonear - my Joseph & Clara Smallwood family ties
Bio: Dale's passion for Newfoundland and Labrador history and family may very well be in her DNA! She is the granddaughter of Joseph Smallwood, the province's first premier after Confederation with Canada, and Clara Oates. Growing up on her parents' farm on Roaches Line, she was profoundly influenced by both sets of grandparents, who played pivotal roles in her upbringing. Her professional journey began at Joseph Smallwood's publishing firm, where she honed her skills before taking on the role of business manager for the charitable foundation established to complete his Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador. Following this, she embarked on Paul Johnson's 500th Anniversary 'Community Historyboard Project', creating in the order of 200 history- or storyboards that captured the essence of the province's narrative. After Paul Johnson's passing, Dale channeled her expertise into expanding her own heritage interpretive and publishing business. In addition to her professional commitments, Dale remains dedicated to running the family farm, Russwood Claredale Farms, cultivating her passion for gardening, and cherishing her roles as a proud Mom and Grandmother. Her life is a vibrant blend of heritage, family, and community engagement that reflects the heart and soul of Newfoundland and Labrador, and its people.
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
28 January 2025 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speaker: Mark Belbin
Topic: The F.A.N. Technique (Friends, Associates & Neighbours) In NL Genealogy: Using non-vital records to open new research avenues, with the Belbins of Bay Roberts and associated families as a case study
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
25 February 2025 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speakers: Linda White and Joy Barfoot
Topic: The Greenspond Historical Society: Resources and Activities
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
25 March 2025 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speaker: Reverend Guy Matthews
Topic: Family Tree Limbs, Branches and DNA
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
22 April 2025 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speaker: Edith Cuerrier
Topic: Time Frames: family history research through photography
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
27 May 2025 at 7:30 pm (Newfoundland time)
Speaker: Janet Morrissey
Topic: Peter Winser, Esq: Pest to Society or Man of the People?
To Attend Online: Click here. Audience members can begin connecting online at 7:00 pm
To Attend In Person: The lecture will be presented at St. David's Presbyterian Church at 98 Elizabeth Avenue in St. John's.
Archived Lectures (Publicly Accessible for Downloading)
24 April 2012
Speaker: Pat Walsh
Topic: Climbing My Family Tree. Where Do I Start?
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members: slides from Pat Walsh's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 17 MB and 37 MB)
24 October 2017
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: Mitochondrial DNA and its genealogical applications
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members: slides from David Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 2 MB and 60 MB)
22 May 2018
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: Autosomal DNA and its genealogical applications
Abstract: Autosomal DNA comprises the 22 non-sex-determining chromosome pairs that we inherit from our parents, and which are subject to the random process of recombination with each passing generation. Blocks of autosomal DNA that people share with one another indicate that they share common ancestry. The more blocks that are shared between two people, and the bigger they are, the closer the relationship. Identifying relatives on the basis of shared blocks of DNA provides a valuable tool to assist with researching one's family tree. This talk will provide an introduction to this aspect of genetic genealogy, and will include a selection of illustrative examples drawn primarily from David Pike's experiences with the Family Finder test offered by FamilyTreeDNA.
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members: slides from David Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 4 MB and 68 MB)
21 May 2019
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: A DNA Mystery: Mitochondrial Haplogroup H5a5 in Newfoundland and Labrador
Abstract: There have been a number of recent media reports about a “mystery line of DNA” that is found in roughly ten percent of Newfoundlanders. In this lecture, David Pike will discuss mitochondrial DNA (which is a valuable genealogical tool for researching matrilineal ancestry) with emphasis on mitochondrial haplogroup H5a5, its significance in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the mystery of its origin.
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members: slides from David Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 4 MB and 49 MB)
24 November 2020
Speaker: Dale Jarvis
Topic: Documenting the Dead
Abstract: Dale Jarvis, ICH Development Officer with Heritage NL will present on recent community projects to better document and tell the stories of local cemeteries, burial places, and funeral practices. He will talk about everything from lych gates to white bronze monuments and podcasting, as well as discussing ongoing programs to build searchable databases of headstone records in partnership with local heritage organizations.
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 306 MB)
22 February 2022
Speaker: Bruce Whiffen
Topic: The Newell Plantation and the Bridge House at Bonavista
Abstract: Thomas Newell and family were among the first to settle at Bonavista in the 1600s. They established what may have been the first, and certainly one of the most prominent, plantations (or "rooms") at Bonavista. We follow the family, and the Newell Plantation, through the 1700s, leading us to two remarkable women of the early 1800s, Grace (Newell) Hosier and Elizabeth (Newell) Alexander. The Bridge House (built 1811-1814 on the Newell Plantation) was home to Elizabeth and her family - restoration of this long-standing home will begin this year.
Biography: Bruce Whiffen was born and raised at Bonavista. He recently retired from a 32-year career with Environment Canada and continues to pursue a lifelong interest in Bonavista's history. He is the author of "Bonavista", a recently-released history of the town.
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members for a limited time: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 113 MB)
22 March 2022
Speaker: Suzanne Sexty
Topic: In the wake of SS Beverly
Abstract: SS Beverly sailed from Harbour Grace in January 1918. The ship disappeared somewhere between Newfoundland and Gibraltar. The loss of a ship and its crew marks the end of one chapter. It also signals the beginning of a new chapter. Families, loved ones, must make their way without a husband, father, son. What support could they look for? How did they manage? Through public documents and family lore, the stories of two women, a mother and a wife of men on Beverly, will be imagined.
Available to FHSNL Members and Non-Members for a limited time: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 86 MB)
Archived Lectures (Downloading these is limited to FHSNL members)
26 April 2011
Speaker: Gordon Handcock
Topic: Story of the Eastport Peninsula
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Dr. Handcock's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes are 30 MB and 59 MB)
24 May 2011
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: New Developments in Genealogical DNA Testing
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Dr. Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes are 96 KB and 48 MB)
27 September 2011
Speaker: John Griffin
Topic: Guide to Genealogical Material in the Newfoundland and Labrador Collection - Newfoundland Public Libraries
Available to FHSNL Members: Genealogy Guide document, slides from John Griffin's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes are 229 KB, 1.5 MB and 32 MB)
25 October 2011
Speaker: Frank Galgay
Topic: Family Names of the Southern Shore
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Frank Galgay's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 995 KB and 28 MB)
22 November 2011
Speaker: Mike Wilkshire
Topic: "Mormon emigration to Utah: love, cholera, and the overland trek"
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Mike Wilkshire's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 2 MB and 35 MB)
24 January 2012
Speaker: Nath Sheppard
Topic: Bell Island
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 45 MB)
28 February 2012
Speaker: David Dawe
Topic: Riots and Religions in Newfoundland
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 48 MB)
27 March 2012
Speaker: Mike Flynn
Topic: People of Bay Roberts
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 35 MB)
22 May 2012
Speaker: Leslie Winsor
Topic: Finding Fallen and Buried Headstones in Burgeo
Available to FHSNL Members: photos from Leslie Winsor's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 171 MB and 32 MB)
27 November 2012
Speaker: Colleen Field
Topic: Genealogical resources in the Centre for Newfoundland Studies and QE II Library
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Colleen Field's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 10 MB and 32 MB)
26 February 2013
Speakers: Valerie Burton and Mark Humphries, Department of History, Memorial University
Topic: A Soldier or Sailor in the Family: Getting into the Primary Evidence
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 62 MB)
Dr. Burton has also provided a link to a condensed version of her lecture, at YouTube
26 March 2013
Speaker: Craig Peterman
Topic: Cemetery Secrets: A look at burial places, grave markers, and what we can learn from them
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Craig Peterman's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 18 MB and 39 MB)
23 April 2013
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: The WHITE Family of Tickle Cove, Bonavista Bay
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from David Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 16 MB and 39 MB)
24 September 2013
Speaker: Paul Ludlow
Topic: Ludlow Family History
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 37 MB)
22 October 2013
Speaker: Rev. Guy Matthews
Title: And Where Do You Belong To?
Abstract: In this presentation, Rev. Matthews talks with us about the stories of our families and how we understand ourselves through them. We look at how humor and tragedy have shaped us and, in our modern times, we have to consider the stories that our genetics tell as well.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 31 MB)
26 November 2013
Speaker: Bert Riggs
Topic: Family Members who Served in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 37 MB)
28 January 2014
Speaker: Gerald Barnable
Topic: The Journal and Cases of Robert Carter Esq. J.P. 1832-1840
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 49 MB)
25 February 2014
Speaker: René Estrada
Topic: The Basilica Collections and Documents Management Policy
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from René Estrada's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 1 MB and 31 MB)
25 March 2014
Speaker: Geoff Carnell
Topic: Carnell’s Carriage Factory, Over Two Hundred Years in Business
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 37 MB)
22 April 2014
Speakers: Dan Duda and David Mercer
Topics: Shipping Routes to/from Newfoundland and a WWI Database
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 39 MB)
27 May 2014
Speaker: David Mercer
Topic: The CLB and the Newfoundland Regiment
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 29 MB)
23 September 2014
Speaker: Dr. A. (Rick) Cooper, retired professor and Chair of Pediatrics and current Pediatrician at the Janeway Child Health Centre
Topic: Diseases that caused serious morbidity and mortality in NL in the 20th Century
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 43 MB)
28 October 2014
Speaker: Honorable Edward M Roberts
Topic: The re-formation of the (Royal) Newfoundland Regiment in August and September 1914.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 48 MB)
25 November 2014
Speaker: Bert Riggs
Topic: Brothers in Arms: Family relationships in the Newfoundland Regiment
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Bert Riggs' lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 8 MB and 40 MB)
27 January 2015
Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Hodgkinson
Topic: Family history and DNA: our history written with different alphabets. Are the stories the same?
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 34 MB)
24 February 2015
Speaker: Suzanne Sexty
Topic: W.F.Butler, Architect: A Journey of Discovery
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 44 MB)
24 March 2015
Speaker: David Pike
Topic: Genealogical DNA Testing and Phasing
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from David Pike's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 1 MB and 52 MB)
28 April 2015
Speaker: Jenny Higgins
Topic: Perished - The 1914 Newfoundland Sealing Disaster
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Jenny Higgins' lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 4 MB and 31 MB)
26 May 2015
Speaker: Heather Wareham
Topic: Update on MUN's Maritime History Archive
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Heather Wareham's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 2 MB and 33 MB)
22 September 2015
Speaker: Cabot Martin
Topic: Early Welsh names in Newfoundland
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Cabot Martin's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 1 MB and 47 MB)
27 October 2015
Speakers: Ken Pittman and Vicki Pennell from the Pouch Cove Heritage Society
Topic: Our Home by the Sea
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 48 MB)
26 January 2016
Speaker: Greg Walsh
Topic: The Rooms Provincial Archives Division - Overview and Update on Activities
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 53 MB)
23 February 2016
Speakers: Carol Squires and Carol Anne Hollett
Topic: Family history resources
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 38 MB)
22 March 2016
Speaker: Dr. Patrick Mannion
Topic: Irishness and Empire: Newfoundland's Irish Nationalists, 1880-1950
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Dr. Mannion's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 1.6 MB and 46 MB)
26 April 2016
Speaker: Dr. Ean Parsons
Topic: Service and Luck, One (Extended) Newfoundland Family During the Great War
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 40 MB)
24 May 2016
Speaker: Bert Riggs
Topic: One Degree of Separation: World War One and Family Connections at Gower Street Methodist Church
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 52 MB)
27 September 2016
Speaker: Allan Byrne
Topic: A Beautiful Sight: Stories from the Port of St. John's
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 48 MB)
25 Octomber 2016
Speaker: Margot Duley
Topic: Like an improbable plot - the family history of Newfoundland's first novelist Margaret Duley
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 40 MB)
29 November 2016
Speaker: Elsa Flack, accompanied by Donna Walsh and Ellen Penney
Topic: Peace by Piece - Quilted Memories of Newfoundland in the Great War
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 35 MB)
31 January 2017
Speaker: James Connor
Topic: Grenfell Doctor Autobiographies
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 58 MB)
28 February 2017
Speaker: Dr. Hans Rollmann
Topic: Early printing and publishing among the Moravian Settlements in Labrador
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 67 MB)
28 March 2017
Speaker: Dr. Jennifer Connor
Topic: Providing Families with Reading Matter: Libraries in the Grenfell Medical Mission
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 42 MB)
25 April 2017
Speaker: Right Reverend Dr. Geoffrey Peddle
Topic: The Church Lads' Brigade in Newfoundland: A People's Story, 1892-2017
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 39 MB)
30 May 2017
Speaker: Bert Riggs
Topic: The Ropers of St. John's, Bonavista, Halifax and Points Beyond
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 80 MB)
26 September 2017
Speaker: Nathan Sheppard
Topic: Historic Bell Island
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 52 MB)
28 November 2017
Speaker: Diane Tye
Topic: The Ingredients of a life: Reading Family History through Recipes
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 43 MB)
23 January 2018
Speaker: Gerald Barnable
Topic: The La Plata Incident and the Legal Headaches that Followed
Abstract: On Dec. 23rd, Tibb's Eve, 1857 Trepassey people were delighted to discover another ship about to wreck in Mutton Bay. There was no loss of life and the ship came ashore in one piece. The Trepassey people must have been disappointed when they discovered she wasn't laden with cargo that could be salved or plundered. What they didn't know, or at least the most of them didn't, was that she carried approximately $10,000 in specie to be used to buy fish. The many who saw the ship as the prize almost instantly decided she was doomed and would leave Trepassey nevermore. The few who knew of the gold had a different focus. The Spaniards whose gold it was, wanted to keep all of it. The merchant family who had befriended the stranded mariners and who, by status rather than legal authority, had taken control of things, imagined they should get some of it for their troubles. Both the family and the mariners were agreed on one thing -the temptation of so much money should be quietly removed from the community and brought to St. John's. Safely back in St. John's, the Spaniards made a complaint about how they and their ship had been treated in Trepassey. The patriarch of the merchant family, a court official himself and the brother of two high government officials of the town, disagreed. A spate of lawyer's letters, diplomatic notes and, finally, court cases followed and continued for over a year after. The Governor, the Colonial office, the leading lawyers, and of course the press got involved.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 46 MB)
27 March 2018
Speaker: Shane O'Dea
Topic: The Genealogy of a House: Researching an 1834 Structure in St. John's
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 42 MB)
24 April 2018
Speaker: Pat Angel
Topic: Finding my Female Ancestors (and their men) on the Northern Avalon
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Pat Angel's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 9 MB and 42 MB)
11 July 2018
Speaker: Amalie Tuffin
Topic: Blandfords of Herring Neck and Greenspond
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Amalie Tuffin's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 2 MB and 24 MB)
25 September 2018
Speaker: Edward Wade
Topic: Flatrock by way of Windgap
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 36 MB)
23 October 2018
Speaker: Gerald Barnable
Topic: The murder of Robert Levermore - Trial by blood in Renews and trial by jury in London
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 24 MB)
27 November 2018
Speaker: Bert Riggs
Topic: WWI Soldiers from the Bay of Islands
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 42 MB)
22 January 2019
Speaker: Karen Darby
Topic: Burin: Old Families and New Discoveries: a 30 year journey of research in Burin
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting (this lecture did not have any slides)
(File size: 22 MB)
26 February 2019
Speaker: John Norman
Topic: The Monetization of Place Capital through Built Heritage
Abstract: John Norman runs Bonavista Living; Bonavista Creative; and Bonavista Creative Workshop. He will talk about the efforts his companies have undertaken to preserve and restore the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of Bonavista’s historic properties.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 49 MB)
23 April 2019
Speaker: David Bradley
Topic: The Maritime History Archive
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 29 MB)
28 May 2019
Speaker: Ross Reid
Topic: Bulleys, Jobs and a Doctor: Fish and Politics in Newfoundland and Labrador
Abstract: The 1834 marriage of Thomas Bulley Job and Jessie Carson, the daughter of Dr. William Carson, brought together a family of commerce with a family of politics. For the next 130 years the Jobs pursued fish and seals while participating in the public life of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 30 MB)
19 June 2019
Speaker: Dolph Crant
Topic: Gaultois
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 34 MB)
17 September 2019
Speaker: Suzanne Sexty
Topic: A "Walk" through the General Protestant Cemetery
Abstract: This fine example of a Victorian cemetery is the final resting place of merchant families and those who worked for them, photographers, poets, Chinese laundrymen, labourers, and prime ministers. What is the story of the cemetery, who are these people?
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 34 MB)
28 January 2020
Speaker: Craig Morrissey
Topic: The Journey So Far...The Quest for My Morrisseys, Carters and Skinners
Abstract: Craig has been researching his family roots for over 20 years. This presentation will provide snippets of the adventures, pitfalls and coincidences that he has encountered along the way all with a humorous and quizzical look at life.
Available to FHSNL Members: an audio recording of the meeting
(File size: 32 MB)
25 February 2020
Speaker: Lynne Butler
Topic: Using Wills to Build Your Family History
Abstract: This presentation focuses on how individuals can use wills to help gather information about their family history. We'll cover how to mine court records for information, resources for finding wills, and tips for understanding the information in wills.
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Lynne Butler's lecture and an audio recording of the meeting
(File sizes: 3 MB and 31 MB)
23 February 2021
Speaker: Pat Angel
Topic: The Angells of Petty Harbour
Abstract: Samuel and Sarah Angel and their family settled in Petty Harbour NL as early as 1710 and though church records were not captured in that era, they left quite the “paper trail” which documents their time there. Pat will speak about his research efforts to discover this paper trail and explain what he learned about his first generation of Angells in Petty Harbour. Then he will “briefly” follow forward each of the branches of the family tree planted by Samuel and Sarah Angell. He will comment on each of the families, especially where possible, their female descendants.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 132 MB)
23 March 2021
Speaker: Jenny Higgins
Topic: No Documents, No History: Writing about Women’s History for a General Audience
Abstract: After decades of hard work, Newfoundland women finally won the right to vote in 1925. The suffragists’ impact on Newfoundland society and politics was enormous, yet their paper trail is alarmingly scant. Jenny Higgins has written about the suffrage movement in various books, articles, and documentaries. In this talk, she will discuss how she uses archival materials to write about history for a general audience, and how that work becomes increasingly problematic when dealing with the activities of women and other marginalized people. Archives provide the stuff of memory and a foundation for collective identity, but what can we do when that memory is lopsided?
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 171 MB)
25 May 2021
Speaker: John Griffin
Topic: Newfoundland and Labrador Public Libraries: Your Newfoundland and Labrador Information Portal
Biography: John Griffin has worked with the Provincial Information and Library Resources Board for 38 years. For the last 21 years he has been a Library Technician with the Newfoundland and Labrador Collection of the Provincial Resource Library, a provincial collection housed at the A.C. Hunter Public Library in St. John's. He is Past-President, and Treasurer of the Museum Association of Newfoundland and Labrador. In his spare time, he attempts to grow tomatoes and other vegetables. Originally from Grand Falls-Windsor, he now calls the Goulds home.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 163 MB)
28 September 2021
Speaker: Brandon Michael Ward
Topic: Family History of Portugal Cove South
Abstract: We will journey back in time to when life revolved around the cod fishery. I will share photos, stories and information collected during my genealogical research and encourage participants to share their knowledge.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 272 MB)
23 November 2021
Speaker: Christopher Curran
Topic: Navigating Newfoundland's 18th & 19th Century Court System
Abstract: The development of the courts and the machinery of the law played a significant role in the growth of community life in Newfoundland and served as an impetus to the development of civil society after centuries of discouragement of permanent settlement by providing the judicial apparatus necessary for the effective and efficient resolution of disputes and the enforcement mechanisms for maintenance of peace and order within communities around the island. The talk will focus on the period 1750-1830 and will look at the Court Minute Book Records for the Sessions and the Surrogate Courts at Harbour Grace and the Supreme Court at St. John's and on Circuit to Ferryland. The talk will be supplemented by images from the Digital Archives Initiatives at the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 221 MB)
25 January 2022
Speaker: Heidi Coombs, PhD
Topic: The Irish of Port de Grave and the Importance of Historical Context for Family History
Abstract: The town of Port de Grave is one of the oldest European settlements in Conception Bay. Though frequented by the French throughout the 16th-century, it was the English who began staying year-round and formed the basis of a permanent resident fishery. The people of Port de Grave today remain primarily of English descent. However, the town once boasted a large and vibrant Irish community. In 1857, there were 1637 Catholics (presumably mostly Irish) living in Port de Grave, accounting for more than 25% of the population. They were fishing families, labourers, coopers, blacksmiths, tailors, constables, merchant’s agents, business owners, and physicians. They made a significant contribution to Port de Grave, both economically and socially. However, by the end of the 19th-century, only a few of these families remained.
This presentation highlights some fragments of the history of the Irish of Port de Grave based on family history research and the broader historical context. What happened to the Irish of Port de Grave? Where did they go? What can we learn from the very limited primary sources about them? And how can that information be better understood by considering the larger historical context? Heidi Coombs shares her fascinating, and frequently frustrating, journey to finding her Irish ancestors from North River/Port de Grave and some creative ways to learn about your ancestors when the standard genealogical sources are silent.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 388 MB)
22 February 2022
Speaker: Bruce Whiffen
Topic: The Newell Plantation and the Bridge House at Bonavista
Abstract: Thomas Newell and family were among the first to settle at Bonavista in the 1600s. They established what may have been the first, and certainly one of the most prominent, plantations (or "rooms") at Bonavista. We follow the family, and the Newell Plantation, through the 1700s, leading us to two remarkable women of the early 1800s, Grace (Newell) Hosier and Elizabeth (Newell) Alexander. The Bridge House (built 1811-1814 on the Newell Plantation) was home to Elizabeth and her family - restoration of this long-standing home will begin this year.
Biography: Bruce Whiffen was born and raised at Bonavista. He recently retired from a 32-year career with Environment Canada and continues to pursue a lifelong interest in Bonavista's history. He is the author of "Bonavista", a recently-released history of the town.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 113 MB)
22 March 2022
Speaker: Suzanne Sexty
Topic: In the wake of SS Beverly
Abstract: SS Beverly sailed from Harbour Grace in January 1918. The ship disappeared somewhere between Newfoundland and Gibraltar. The loss of a ship and its crew marks the end of one chapter. It also signals the beginning of a new chapter. Families, loved ones, must make their way without a husband, father, son. What support could they look for? How did they manage? Through public documents and family lore, the stories of two women, a mother and a wife of men on Beverly, will be imagined.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 86 MB)
26 April 2022
Speaker: Max Grandy
Topic: The Grandy Family of Newfoundland
Abstract: Members of the Grandy family have been in Newfoundland since at least the mid-1700s. The presentation will look at the early family members, their origins, the challenges in tracing them given the scarcity or lack of official records, and the known information sources.
Biography: Max Grandy is a resident of St. John’s who has been researching his Family Tree for several decades. He has been a member of the Family History Society for about 25 years and is currently on the FHS Board of Directors.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 109 MB)
24 May 2022
Speaker: Linda Crocker
Topic: My great grandfather was from Newfoundland: How do I find out more?
Abstract: This presentation is for those who are searching their family roots in Newfoundland and Labrador. Topics include how and where to began your search: origins, records and sources for searching NL records.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 462 MB)
27 September 2022
Speaker: Evelyn Grondin Bailey
Topic: The Restoration of the Roman Catholic Cemetery built between 1815-1820
Abstract: Evelyn Grondin Bailey - Returned to Burin In 1981 and became very involved in the historic area of old section of Burin. Was lead in development of the Oldest Colony Trust, the Boardwalk and community museums. Recipient of the Golden Jubilee Medal; Governor General Award for Community Service & Manning Award for development of historic properties.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 45 MB)
22 November 2022
Speaker: Ken Pieroway
Topic: The Newfoundland Railway and Family Names
Abstract: Kenneth Pieroway was born in Corner Brook and grew up in the rural outports of Colinet and Harricott. He has written several books regarding Newfoundland trains, including RAILS ACROSS THE ROCK in 2013 which was quickly followed up by its sequel, RAILS AROUND THE ROCK a year later. He graduated from Memorial University with a degree in Social Work and spent his career with Veteran Affairs Canada. In his lecture Ken will do a cross-island photo presentation of trains from St. John's to Port Aux Basques.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 298 MB)
24 January 2023
Speaker: Katie Griffin
Topic: Tour of the St. John's Archdiocese's Archive
Description: a virtual tour of the Archdiocese's archival holdings. Research services and tentative digitization plans will also be discussed.
Biography: Katie Griffin is the archivist for the St. John's Archdiocese's archive with a background in history. She has been working in archives since 2019.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 296 MB)
25 April 2023
Speaker: Lynn Fogwill
Topic: Photographs, Family History and Local History
Family history is local history; the two are completely intertwined. Photographs illuminate our family history, give context to our ancestors lives and situate them in the community where they lived, worked and played. In my presentation I will tell stories of some of my ancestors and the places they lived through photographs. I’ll describe some tools that worked for me in identifying the people, places and timeframes in old photographs.
For the second half of the program I invite participants to share an old photograph, using the “Share Screen” tool on Zoom. Tell us the story your photograph illustrates and how you deciphered it. Or ask for help in figuring out when and where the photograph was taken and who might be in it. In order to share a photograph, have it open on your desktop prior to signing in to Zoom for the meeting.
Lynn Fogwill has been working on her family history for 27 years and researches primarily in Newfoundland, England – particularly Devon and Cornwall – and in Scotland. She lives in Edmonton where she is an active volunteer with the Edmonton Branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 234 MB)
26 September 2023
Speaker: Ray Hawco
Topic: Priest, pilot and so much more
Abstract: Ray Hawco was born in Harbour Main and grew up there and in Argentia. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1959 and served in the parishes of St. Brendan's, Bonavista and Buchans. Until recently he was an experienced pilot having owned float planes even while a priest! Ray left his work in the priesthood in the late 1970s, had a brief and interesting kick at federal politics, and got married. He was very involved in the early days of oil and gas exploration and especially in the 1982 Ocean Ranger disaster. In the 1990s, he was the provincial governments chief negotiator for the land claims of the Innu and Inuit peoples of Labrador. Ray has lived a varied life and has many stories to share of his personal and professional lives that will prove to be both informative and entertaining!
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 989 MB)
24 October 2023
Speaker: Greg Walsh
Topic: Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador
Abstract: Greg Walsh will give an overview and updates concerning the records available at the Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador including somewhat obscure resources e.g. Don Morris, Nimshi Crewe, etc.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 266 MB)
28 November 2023
Speaker: Ted Rowe
Topic: The Families of Sir Richard and Lady Squires
Available to FHSNL Members: slides from Ted Rowe's lecture
(File size: 4 MB)
26 March 2024
Speaker: Gus Lilly
Topic: The Simms family history
Abstract: The Simms Family in 19th Century Newfoundland and Labrador. Among the enterprising young emigrants to Newfoundland in the early years of the 19th century were no less than five of the twelve children of William Simms of Birmingham. James, Sophia, Joseph, George, and Charles arrived roughly between 1805 and 1815. A sixth, Mary, came later to live in St. John’s with James. James, Joseph, George, and Charles established themselves in mercantile trade and played important roles in Government and the legal system before and after the establishment of Representative Government in 1833. Sophia, married to merchant, brewer, and newspaper publisher Thomas Dalton, moved to Upper Canada with her husband after 1817 and, following Dalton’s death, became publisher of the Kingston and Toronto Patriot.
Bio: Gus Lilly attended St. Bonaventure’s College and Brother Rice High School. He has a B.A. Honours degree in English Language and Literature from Memorial University and studied law at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. He was admitted to the Newfoundland and Labrador Bar in 1976 and practised law in St. John’s at the firm of Stewart McKelvey, formerly Stirling, Ryan, from 1976 to 2009, receiving his Queen’s Counsel designation in 1996. His interest in the Simms family began in the early 1970s when his aunt, Jean Peters, gave him four handwritten journals by George Simms, J.P., of Trepassey. Simms was Clerk of the Labrador Court from 1827 to 1833 and he wrote on the extra-judicial activities of the Court’s officers and activities along the Coast. Gus is a great-great-great grandson of George Simms.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 98 MB)
23 April 2024
Speaker: Chris Curran
Topic: William Keen and the Trial of Murder and other Felony Offences in Newfoundland
Abstract: William Keen came to Newfoundland in 1704 and became a prominent St. John's businessman. He developed extensive commercial interests in Greenspond, Bonavista and on the Petit Nord generally. He was an effective proponent for legal reform in the period following 1715 and was appointed Chief Magistrate at St. John's in 1729 and a Commissioner of the Court of Oyer & Terminer in 1750. The presentation will focus on the time period 1750 - 1754 and the trial of serious felony offences in Newfoundland in this period, including trials for: murder, rape, assault causing grievous bodily harm and break, enter & theft.
Biographical Note: Christopher P. Curran. K.C. has had an extensive career in public service in Newfoundland and Labrador. He held positions as Deputy Minister of Justice, Registrar of the Supreme Court, and High Sheriff of Newfoundland. He retired from public service in 2012. He and his wife Beverley spend their winters at Topsail, Conception Bay and their summers at Branch, St. Mary's Bay.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 71 MB)
28 May 2024
Speaker: Colleen Field
Topic: Family History Resources in the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Abstract: Colleen will be highlighting the family history resources in the CNS including those resources that have been digitized for the Memorial of University of Newfoundland Digital Archives Initiative (DAI).
Biography: Colleen has been the Head of the Centre for Newfoundland Studies (CNS) since 2018. Prior to that she was the Public Services Librarian in CNS since 1998. In total she has worked in the Memorial University of Newfoundland library system for 34 years. Additionally, Colleen is a graduate of both Memorial University of Newfoundland (B.A. Hons. 1985) and McGill University (M.L.I.S. 1987).
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 89 MB)
17 September 2024
Speaker: John Gushue
Topic: Gushue Origins
Bio: John was born near Boston MA of parents who grew up in Bacon Cove, NL. Family research began in 1967 during John’s first trip, as an adult, to Newfoundland. Genealogy focus is primarily on his Gushue heritage which he has traced to 1755 and includes the dispersion of the family from humble beginnings at the Bacon Cove fishing village to the major cities such as Corner Brook, Sydney, Toronto, Fort McMurray, Philadelphia, Boston and NYC. John is a dual citizen of the USA and Canada. Present memberships include: the New England Historical Genealogy Society (MA) and The Saint Croix Valley Genealogy Society (WI). John paid his bills by teaching math and industrial electricity for four years followed by 40 years in commercial nuclear energy where he was engaged in the design, construction, operation, refueling and decommissioning of nuclear power stations in the United States and the Philippines. Credential include : BA, MBA, PE, LA and PMP. John lives in Boston, MA and summers in Bacon Cove at the home built by his grandfather in 1910.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 44 MB)
22 October 2024
Speaker: Elsa Flack
Topic: The apple falls far from the tree – why me and how this special place became my home
Abstract: Elsa Flack muses on how the Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society began.
Available to FHSNL Members: a video recording of the meeting
(File size: 71 MB)