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The Family History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador has collected headstone inscriptions from some 1000 cemeteries across Newfoundland and Labrador. So far we have managed to enter data from close to 800 cemeteries representing nearly 200 communities into our database. The following cemetery records are currently available at our Resource Centre:

Bonavista Bay Brooklyn, Big Pool's Island, Badger's Quay, Brookfield, Charleston, Cull's Harbour, Centreville, Charlottetown, Dover, Eastport, Flat Islands, Glovertown, Gambo, Greenspond, Hare Bay, Hodder's Island, Indian Bay, Jamestown, King's Cove, Keels, Musgravetown, Northern Gooseberry Is., Newtown, Open Hall, Port Blandford, Pound Cove, Pool's Island, Princeton, Portland, Red Cliff, St. Brendan's, Southern Bay, Southern Gooseberry Is., Sailor's Island, Salvage, Summerville, Tickle Cove, Templeman, Terra Nova Town, Trinity (BB), Traytown, Valleyfield, Wild Cove Beach, Wareham, Wesleyville.
Burin Peninsula Beau Bois, Burin, Collins Cove, Corbin, Fortune, Great Burin Island, Grand Bank, Lamaline, Rock Harbour, St.Lawrence, Salt Pond, Stepaside.
Conception Bay North Bay Roberts, Brigus, Carbonear, Harbour Grace, Roach's Line, South River.
Conception Bay South Bell Island, Conception Harbour, Cupids, Holyrood, Paradise, Port de Grave, St. Thomas, Topsail.
Fortune Bay Belleoram, Brunette, Harbour Breton, Jersey Harbour, Millers Passage, Pools Cove, Rencontre East, St. Jacques, Seal Cove
Great Northern Peninsula Big Brook, Boat Harbour, Cook's Harbour, Cremelliare Bay, Great Brehat, Goose Cove, Griquet, Gunners Cove, Ireland Bight, Lanse aux Meadows, Little Brehat, Port au Choix, Port Saunders, Quirpon, Raleigh, River of Ponds, St. Anthony Bight, St. Anthony, Shallow Bay, Ship Cove, St. Lunaire, St. Carol's, Ship Cove, Wild Bight.
Hermitage Bay Conne River, Furby's Cove, Gaultois, Great Jervis, Grole, Head of Bay d'Espoir, Hermitage, Little Bay/Stone Valley, McCallum, Milltown, Morrisville, Pass Island, Piccaire, Pushthrough, Round Harbour, St. Alban's.
Labrador North Char River, Davis Inlet, Groswater Bay, Goose Bay, Hopedale, Happy Valley, Mud Lake, Mulligan, North West River, Shango Bay.
Labrador South Cartwright, Forteau, North River, Pinware, Red Bay, West St. Modeste.
Labrador West Labrador City
Notre Dame Bay Back Cove, Beaumont, Bridgeport, Botwood, Carter's Cove, Cape Freels, Cape Freels South, Durrell, Dildo Run, Exploits, Fogo, Joe Batt's Arm, Little Bay Islands, Lushes Bight, Little Harbour, Leading Tickles, Moreton's Harbour, Musgrave Harbour, Norris Arm South, New World Island, Point Leamington, Snelling Cove, Springdale, Samson's Island, Tizzard's Harbour, Twillingate.
Placentia Bay Argentia, Freshwater, Great Paradise, Merasheen, Mount Carmel, Placentia, Red Island, St. Anne's, St. Kyran's.
South Coast Burgeo, Burnt Islands, Coppet Island, Deer Island, Fox Island, Grand Bruit, Harbour Island, Harbour Le Cou, Isle aux Morts, Margaree, Port aux Basques, Petites, Rose Blanche, Ramea, South West Island.
St. John's Bauline, Flatrock, Pouch Cove, St. John's, St. Philip's, Torbay
Southern Shore Aquaforte, Bay Bulls, Cape Broyle, Ferryland, Port Kirwan, Renews.
Trinity Bay Black Duck Cove, British Harbour, Brownsdale, Chance Cove, Champney's East, Champney's West, Deer Harbour, English Harbour, Green's Harbour, Hants Harbour, Island Cove, Lead Cove, Long Beach, Little Harbour, New Bonaventure, New Chelsea, New Melbourne, St. Jone's Within, St. Jone's Without, Trinity East, Traytown, Trinity.
White Bay Bell Island, Croque, Indian Burying Place, Jackson's Arm, La Scie, Nipper's Harbour, Round Harbour, Snook's Arm, Shoe Cove, Three Arms Island, Tilt Cove.
West Coast Aspey Beach, Benoit's Cove, Bonne Bay, Brake's Cove, Cormack, Corner Brook, Codroy, Cox's Cove, Curling, Cape St. George, Deer Lake, Degrau, Gillams, Grand Codroy, Heatherton, Howley, Jeffrey's, McIvers, Mount Moriah, Nicholsville, Pasadena, Petries Crossing, Point au Mal, Port au Port East, Robinson's, Red Brook, Sandy Point, Stephenville, Stephenville Crossing, Summerside, Woods Island, Woody Point.