Hi Kim … yep, I think I sorta figured out the answer.
(Thanks everyone for the responses, and Crystal, I tend to agree – some of the free online NL stuff is some of the best = most useful) that I have found.
Kim, the my Janes and Pynns are not related to each other. Dad’s mom was a Pynn, Mom’s dad was a Janes. My Pynn’s are one of the better documented branches I have – they’ve been in Harbour Grace for a looonnngg time (16-1700’s). The Janes, not so much. My maternal grandfather settled in Grand Falls, so I have a lot of relatives there, but he came from Random Island (Petley or Britannia). I suspect his family at some point had roots across Trinity Bay, in Hants Harbour, but I have not found anything definitive.
How about you … your Janes and Pynns?